Thursday, March 31, 2011

(轉載) 15個小故事

女孩说:我怀孕了。 男人继续低头吃饭,说:我早结扎了。 



Saturday, March 19, 2011


2011 三月十九   4.22凌晨

心情: 太興奮了

今晚沒在聽歌... 就一邊看 Toradora... anime 突然發覺自己老了 -.-

今天終於把FYP全部做完了... 可惜沒交上 -.-
一早起身把剩下的寫了... 再到kamloong家繼續寫和burn進CD就好了...
有些diagram留在家 只好回去拿... 怎知一失足成千古恨 竟然把舊的file replace了新的file . . .
和老師說好了4點交... 把舊的file剩下的又重新寫完都超過4點了... 再去print, bind, burn都5點了... 老師都走了-.- 只好星期一交了

終於FYP都做完了 好興奮!!!! 表達不出來 -.-

話說晚餐的時候 DBKL來掃檔... 看著茶餐廳的工人趕緊地收著桌子椅子... 車上的DBKL卻悠哉悠哉地... 反差好大...
DBKL在工作... 茶餐廳為工作... 這事情就別討論誰對誰錯了... 都是生活

亂寫了一通... 一邊看戲一邊寫 -.- 都不懂自己在寫什麽...

昨晚發了個夢... 或許是太累了吧... 每次趕功課到很晚睡時都會發夢... 這次有些特別 xD

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2011 March 16  7:45AM

Emotion: tired

Gonna meet ms. Lim later... still have some parts of the documentation haven't finish yet... just hope she won't kick mi out the room later.

Was listening to this KWJ's cover of GeoJitMal the whole night. Saw her video shared by Han Ning but with another song. Well like her voice but not her rap in this song LOL. But I do like the chorus part 
    I'm so sorry but I love you ~~~

Here's the video of her cover... well she looks charming anyway ^^ yay!!

While doing the FYP documentation the whole night... suddenly thought of the girls that I liked throughout these years... wow there's quite a number of them xD 
I wonder if its because of the song "I'm so sorry but I LOVED you" lol

Thinking back of them makes me go to their facebook pages, well they do look happy now. Its nice to see them with people they love and cherish... although sometimes there's like a pinching feel on the heart when see some pictures or conversation ( sei stalker!! who asked you to look at those... you deserved that

4 girls... 4 different times... 4 different stages of my life... 4 stories that ended without really starting... 
I wonder what if anyone of that did happen... well at least happened the way that I hoped...
nah... too much thinking... its the present that's important... so be hapi everyone
It is hapi to see everyone hapi... 

But things aren't that hapi when I want to think that everyone is... 
The Japan tsunami thingy... happened just like that... just when I'm fooling around Melaka... even meeting up with some hapi Japanese traveling in Melaka... without knowing that something that serious had just happened.

Watched a vid earlier today... saying that all the physical things that we can see now... including human, computers, cars, trees are just 5% of energy in the universe... that means there are still 95% of undiscovered energy that is within us. The energy might be out spirit... soul ?? of sub-concious or Qi(氣) in Chinese... they can even save us from 2012
Well if all of us think positively... pray with our heart... more people can get out from the misery and pain.
Conclude in a word... its call Love xD
May the Love heal the world and lead us to a better future.