Monday, November 22, 2010


2010 十一月二十二   12:05 凌晨


你最近不說話 怎麼了 為甚么

怎麼唱起歌了 囧... 一陣子沒寫東西了


這陣子... seminar終於搞定了... presentation也過了...

才發現 原來大家都把資料準備在紙上... 我好像都沒怎麼準備 xD... 應該可以做得更好吧...

那maria zzz 一直擺個 "你在說什麼" 的嘴臉... 過了就算啦


之前... 媽媽打來說外公的事情...

原來外公已經三個月沒吃糖尿病的藥了... 走路都吃問題... 那陣子身體都一直在痛

有不懂從哪道聼塗説吃什麽藥草... 一直在吃的藥都沒吃... 還好現在沒事了

媽還說不懂是不是房間"不乾淨"... 睡到半夜外公就會喊痛... 感覺身體好像在燒

現在搬到樓下睡了 也裝了新冷氣 就沒事了

自從以前舅舅中"降頭"... 難免他們會一直聯想到那些東西...

可是外公也那麼老了... 都八十五了 也算健壯了... 還能一直駕車到處跑...

媽還說身份證上的出身日期的年份還寫錯... 沒准還更老...



果真... 這種事情我又是最後一個知道... 一直都是吧

突然會怕... 感覺親人又會離開... 那外婆怎麼辦...

大半輩子都在一起... 聽說以前還恩愛到不行... 外公到哪都帶著外婆... 深怕她跑掉似的

人生啊... 還是不要想那麼多啦

誰說2012不可能... 雷聲一直響


嗯... 自己也別再亂了啊... 高興就好... 她開心... 大家幸福... 什麽都行


噢... 現在在聽Leessang的 "不能分手的女人, 不能離開的男人"

gue ri so... no no no no no no

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


2010 November 9th  2.22AM (a... 3 2s xD



GEM GEM got her new album out !!!! Yay!!!!

Like her Secret ^^



Hrms...... Long time since last blog update....

well nothing much going on... preparing for more and more assignments for this few weeks


Got a midterm last week... Web Service... Had no"heart" to study at all

although went to KimLoong and Zam's place to do revision with them... but totally can't get anything in ma head... and I didn't "out cat" that day... so it should be a Fail... =.=

No use looking for answers while mid term... that ain't mi... just do makegoods and the rest will be history xD


Since I knew -.- change quite a bit... I'm still catching up with all those Korean Variety Shows - WGM, Heroes, Running Man a lot still...

maybe that's how I get my mind off something I don't wanna think of...


The thing I'm frustrated is that... the situation is like a barrel of water... 7 points above 8 points below (so chinese xD)

It doesn't reach the point that I could grab my pillow and scream or cry over it; but I can't just like ignore the fact and act like nothing happened. This is the prob I'm having here... totally in the middle...

People are saying that my face are getting "black"... is it really that obvious that my mood isn't swinging right... but that's just when I'm not talking... I guess talking with people will make mi feel better... hope so


Well... Just hope everyone will be hapi and I would be hapi


Thursday, November 4, 2010



2010 十一月三   7:11 傍晚


嗯... 一直在忙的seminar和assignment暫時告一段落了... 其他assignment就下個星期才開始吧 xD

這陣子... 完完全全陷入了<我們結婚了>這節目里... 一直追一直追

本來是要看少時里的徐賢... 跟CNBlue的主唱 容和... 本來只聽過CNBlue的名字 因我結聽見他們的歌... 好聽 xD

孤獨的人 Oetoriya Oetoriya daridiridarattu~ 聽了感覺好孤獨...

靠... 所以看我結 彌補空虛 xD

還有 趙權&佳仁 nickun&victoria... 雖然知道這都是假的 可是拍攝手法能讓人高興 ^^



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