Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dafuq... Valentines

二零一二 二月十四 情人節~~~  11:14晚上
心情:困 -,-

Alrighty then... since im tired so English it is then... xD
Ryan Cabrera - True
Heard this song quite sometime ago... suddenly kept listening to it these few days

And it is the almighty day of Feb 14... The birthday of Tino xD...
well i know Valentines Day means more to most of the ppl ~~

It was quite a day of thoughts for mi today -,-
In the morning... nearly shit on my pants zzz damn. The stomach getting grumpy while mi and yiwei were on the bus... without delay I hop off at TARC xD... and bomb it goes.....
Since I went to TARC... had some time walking around, the place is getting better and better.
They had the new building working now, flowers planted, and new chairs for the canteen, instead of the long old bench.
Valentines day... students can be seen preparing for it... events... flowers... couples... xD. Even saw a few girls carrying DSLR to college, its reli getting common nowadays, DSLR. I guess they had it all planned, presents, cameras and stuffs for the romantic times after class xD.

While back on the bus, saw a female sitting in front. Long smooth hair with a t-shirt and low cut jeans... and went all shocked when i saw her face -,-. Its not that shes 'not pretty' or anything, shes a 'aunty'... I would say 40. But at 40 with a body like that, I felt its necessary to pay her some respect. Women should be confident and 'hardworking', there's no excuse in anyway... I think xD

As for lunch today... once again... people holding hands with flowers could be seen along the street... alright, u guys won -,-
Couples are meant to win on this particular date zzz
And there's a lot of post on Facebook, where people saying that they r celebratin 'Single Days' 'Tuesday' and stuffs, claiming that they don't nid no Valentines... yeah right... face it people... u wanted to be loved as much as any other couple there are... No one wanna be Forever Alone, it can't be helped if you are xD

The peeps at the office are preparing presents for their lovers... and Sky found a post teaching people how to make a ring with a money note - origami style xD And they tried with 1, 10 and 50 ringgits. I wonder if it could be a good present... with money o.O

Well... it is nice seeing couples being hapi together on this 'special' day... I think -,- Love is in the air...

spent all day doing cash card... and will need to spend the following days with that too... Getting a new spec tomorrow... I hope

Okay... this post had turned out all the way different from what I expected... 
I thk I nid to improve a lot... I mean realli ‘LOT’ in how to write better in English -,- at least make it sound more ‘emotions’