Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Decided to change the title" - Title

19 June 2012 1:47 AM
Mood: Being Nice xD

Here is Nice Guy - by ChesterSee, RyanHiga and KevinJumba
This is the acoustic version of the song, you can find other 3 versions of Music Video in ChesterSee's NigaHiga's and KevJumba's channel.
Or is it that I'm slow... and you guys had heard this song long before I do o.O ?

Feels like being nice... although that might make mi finish last... I'm not in the front rows anyways ~

Okay... I totally had forgotten why did I even started this post zzz

Marathon this coming Sunday.
21.5KM in 3 hours, possible? 
(For someone who didn't actually trained for it)
I'm Gonna Die!!!!!!
I wanna run, I wanna finish it, but will I'll be able to finish within 3 hours?
Good question @@

Alright zzz I really do forget what I wanted to say in this Blog Post.
Sorry, I think I'm just gonna blabber through this.

Sometimes I felt like I'm insane
(Although I was never even normal to start with =,=)
It's like I had different personalities inside of mi. I guess a lot of people felt like that too.
Whenever you had an idea, or when you wanted to do something, "someone" or some voice inside you will tell you to stop.
That'll make you slow down and re-think about what you wanted to do in the first place.
Sometimes, that's cool. After having some time thinking about it, you figured that it was a total bad idea, not even worth your time trying.
But some other times, you would be freaking regret why the heck you even believe in the voice inside of you. It might cause you the worst of your life.

Come to think about it, you'll never know what would happen if you make a different choice. 
The "bad" outcome might just be the best result among all the possibilities. Heh, you'll just never know. Try believing all the choices you made were fine, you can even try to tell yourselves that those were the best you could have made... although that sounds like cheating yourselves -,-

Craps... were typed above.
I just need to learn... learn more about myself.
Learn just what I want... (not need)... learn to understand myself better.
So that... I could learn how to learn better from others ... xD

I had a dream last night... (or was it the night before o.O)
Went back to the hometown... to see someone... with someone...
Its been a while having dreams like this...... I do think a lot @@

Fuck this shit... Ima sleep

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